Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Om Shanti - Peace and all good for 2009

I tend to collect phrases that inspire me or reveal some truth to me or help me along my life's journey. Some I collect in a bound book, jotting down a phrase or a writing that I want to be able to reference again later. Others find their way onto the chalkboard closet doors in my office where I can see them each day and be reminded. Scraps of paper on my desktop or in my purse capture phrases, too, for those moments when the book or the chalkboards aren't handy.

Zen Habits and The Happiness Project have posts about writing your personal commandments. Mine aren't exactly commandments; maybe more like reminders or philosophies I want to reflect on. They're ever-changing, ever-evolving, so I can't really write a definitive list of personal commandments. For instance, like most people, I'm constantly striving for self-improvement: learning greater patience, practicing detachment and simplicity, slowing down, living in the moment and being fully present. I make progress, often slowly, but I keep learning and refining the lessons.

Some random thoughts/guidelines for my personal reflection as we ease into 2009:


Live in Harmony ... with others, with the earth, with nature, within myself

Move with the rhythm; let it flow

Practice ahimsa/non-violence - in thought and deed. No evil thoughts, no anger against others; learning gentleness and forgiveness. Avoid anything that's destructive instead of nurturing and gentle. Think Kwai Chang Caine (King Fu)

See the Divine in all things.

Be comfortable with the chaos.

Practice aparigraha/non-attachment - letting go, releasing, non-clinging, without fear of loss or change. "...the yogi makes his life as simple as possible and trains his mind not to feel the loss or the lack of anything. Then everything he really needs will come to him by itself at the proper time." (B.K.S. Iyengar) Also Matthew 6:25-34.

Worrying about tomorrow squanders the joy of today. Don't give energy to anything that you don't want to manifest in your life.

Be a better friend.

Remember that the world sparkles and dances with the Light of the Divine. We all carry that Light within.

Live simply. Give more. Expect less.

Have a sense of wonder! Be ready to be surprised.

Laugh more; don't take it all so seriously.

Live and dance to your own music. Sparkle. Spin with your arms wide open. Embrace all the love in the world.

Happiness is a choice in attitude; it does not require things or others.

Receive what you have been given.

Be fully present to now. The next thing will happen when it happens. (The next thing always happens.)

I do not have a soul; I have a body. My soul is forever, my body only temporary. This is important to remember.

Learn to hold loosely all that is not eternal. - Agnes Royden

Know that you are totally and fully loved. The energy of love is already manifested by anyone who has ever loved you, anyone who loves you now and anyone who will ever love you.

May your new year be filled with peace, prosperity and abundance in all things. Enjoy them fully with acceptance and love.


rebecca said...

Oh, Rose, this was beautiful. Very buddhist in is the religion that speaks to my heart and soul the most. Your gentle words and soft music just put me in such a state of tranquility and happiness that I cannot read another blog tonight. I am ending it with this one. Perfection... and I don't want this feeling taken away.

I have to come back and reread this post over and over again. Your intents for the new year shall be the ones I will follow as well. Well, I always try to, but we are human with flaws and many times fall in our grace. That is why reminders are needed to get us back on track....the track that leads the way to enlightenment, no?

I just want to ((hug)) you right now and tell you how much i love your soul and spirit. you are a light in this world.....

love and peace to you dear friend and thank you so much for this post....


Sheri @ said...

Rose - I really needed this right now. I'm in a constant struggle with myself to live in the moment, not worry about what i can't control, or what the future may bring. I'm getting better though. slowly. :)

This is going up in my office - happy new year!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog off and on for awhile. I am in awe of you. Thanks.

TechGoddess said...

I have been struggling today with family-gathering anxiety. Your sharing about aparigraha/non-attachment and avoiding anyting that is destructive has brought me the peace that I sought all day. Thank you, a thousand times over.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful photo Rose.
Peace be with you.

Shell said...

Hi Rose,

My fellow Aquarian! Thank you for stopping by Swanofdreamers yesterday.
I love the reminders you wrote. True and insightful. I wish you a very Happy New Year. All the best and brightest to come your way.


Kat said...

Happy New Year Rose! I enjoyed your post although I have no idea how you could be a better friend than you already are! lol!

Anonymous said...

Stopping by to wish you a very Happy New Year and send you a hug. :) I enjoyed your post!

Caroline said...

Such insightful thoughts for the New Year. Detachment is the key to happiness in life (for me anyway :)).

P.S. You have a wonderful blog!

Anonymous said...

oooh, an update! I need to come back and read it when I have a nice chunk of listen...reflect...but had to say I love your cyclamen plant pic on the top right! A favorite of mine!


Amber Cargile said...

That is, HANDS DOWN, the best list of New Year's Resolutions I've ever read!

Anonymous said...

I came back and loved your list. Wise teacher you are. Loved the comments too. I'm interested in the "detachment" concept. I get it with material things. But what about the burdens that those around us carry, that affect us and weigh us down?

Thanks Rose.

Carol aka stewcarol

mermaid said...

I think my favorite is "Be comfortable with the chaos". So many wonderful insights. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

No better time to be reading this now since I feel belching awful for going ballistic just moments ago. It's good to be reminded....

Right now I need to breath in and forgive myself for getting quite..well upset. I just really hate it when the kids go through my closet in search of a comb just because they can't find theirs for the nth''s crazy really and I've had it! I keep ranting about privacy and respect and it just doesn't sink in to them...grrrr...

The LAdy Prism
ok..breath breath breath in harmony....grrrr..still...he!he!

Wonderful writing Rose!

Anonymous said... name got weirdly stuck in the wrong space there...

talk about being "off center"..he!he!

Lady Prism